What Five Days?
It's been a really long time since I felt like five days aren't enough.
Since some of my weekends have sometimes become "work days", i've often gotten confused as to what day it is and the days agenda. Even with my calendar, there are instances that I manage to switch meetings with people. All of us have learned our lessons and now they just call ahead to "remind me".
My mom and I had this argument on my not being able to 'do things on my own' for the house. She has this specific way of cleaning which she thinks I've picked up by mere genetics and keen observation. She didn't see the point why she needed to write some chores down, or remind me once in a while to crawl out of my room and do 'stuff' like look at the garden, notice that new vase, or...eat.
I told her that if I needed to write the things I needed to do, then she can very well bet that I wasn't going to remember her nit-picky instructions.
I often feel annoyed that I am such a...scatter brain. To say that I "have my head in the clouds" is an understatement. I am happiest when I just sit there and think, letting ideas flow through me; ecstatic when I get the chance to write them down and see them.
But the thinking phase is my favorite. Where an idea will just settle in I get this spark and I end up calling all my friends and going "Hey, what do you think of this idea?"
The working phase...needs a little bit more working.
I should have a full week, especially now that I have to take care of my aunt for two days of the week. Researching her material should also take one or two days for every week, depending on how many people I need to interview.
The key, I think, is time management.
Once I establish my momentum, I should be fine. I do my best when I am busy, and just fall flat when there is very little to do. Stress--at least, work related stress--has always been my motivator.
I just don't know how to manage all this. I feel like if I don't write it all soon, someone will come up with the idea and it'll be all over. It's done. It's like having an invisible deadline.
Oh well, the things you do when you love your job.
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