I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Eddie Gil for President

My neighbor is running for president.

President. Of the country. This country. The Philippines.

It's hard to believe how a guy who can't even buy the house he's living in can mount a nationwide campaign. But he's obviously done it. I don't know how the COMELEC let him through this time (he ran for Senator last 2001) though apparantly claiming that you own billions is enough.

It makes you wonder just how hard COMELEC dug into his background, especially after the embarassing situation two days ago. Heck, I could have told you that he didn't have any money. In fact, anyone in our subdivison could have told you that he didn't have anything! They can't even pay the homeowners fee...which he doesn't really need to since he doesn't own the house he's living in, he's merely sqatting.

And I thought FPJ was a joke.

This years elections are proving to be more entertaining than the previous ones. The jokes are on full swing, i'm getting spams on various candidates on my mail box, getting stuck in traffic for motorcades...and now my neighbor is running for president.

Imagine that! A bloke who hasn't done squat--oops sorry, he's aready doing that--who hasn't done ANYTHING for our community, much less the country, wants to have the toughest job in office. If he can steal a house, imagine what he can do with an access to our natural resources and the treasury.

You've got some nerve Eddie, but if you really want to do the country some service, then I suggest you quit before you embarass yourself...further.


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