I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Another day at the beach

I wrote--of all things--Chapter 14 of my fanfic.

Thirteen pages, the longest so far. It's annoying that inspiration for today came to my fanfic, and not some of the other projects that I need to work on.

I did find a nice premise that I might turn into a short because of it.

Put together, it may not be the best story there is. The chapters are written in so different styles that it comes off as episodic more than one long story. Which was my point anyway: to see if I could write consistently about certain characters if ever I needed to write for a telenovela.

I lack the histrionics that's needed to make a teledrama--maybe because I know what it's like to really be clinically fucked up and have things that don't happen to other people happen to the people you know or sometimes YOU.

Anyway, one of the writing styles I used sparked some inspiration and viola. Theme for a short pops out.

Now all I have to do is flush out a storyline. It could be an episode for that TV show I wanted.

But first, I have to go back to work on the book. My mom has already asked for updates, since my aunt isn't doing very well.

They're contemplating stopping the radiation treatments, since it may be prolonging her life but it also drains her energy. What good is a few more months if you can't live it?

Life is both complicated and easy nowadays. Sometimes it's easy to just go "I luve Lukie Walton XOXO" and be that ditz and just not care. That crush is probably the most normal thing in my life right now which is probably why i'm hanging onto it.

I wasn't kidding when I told myself that I would face a lot of adjustments for this year. For some reason, all the big things always happen every quarter: March, June, September, and December.

Oh well, here's to inspiration.


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