I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Old Friends

Sometimes I'm reminded of how age can so relative.

Just when I thought i'd heard everything that my old boss (thank God) had done, something new crops up that has her sinking lower.

Okay kids, can you say "pathetic"?

It's both annoying and amusing to find a 50 year old woman trying to accuse a 23 year old girl of spreading rumors that she herself started?

The funny part is, she think she's right because technically, I did say those things...even though it was more in agreement to most of what she said. Woman even had the gal to quote me by verbatim on shit that I never really said.

Who the hell does that?

And I thought I was whacked in the head. I've heard of dirty politics, but this is downright ridiculous. Part of me is somewhat flattered that she would consider me as a sizable threat, but to actually sink so low as to make shit up...man, that's commitment.

It kind of scares you into thinking that some people never really grow out of some things.

My great fear is that I will never grow out of being a clutter. I guess I'll find out when I get my own place, but see, you sort of hope you'll change. You want to change.

This kind of attitude...damn, it just blows me.

For one election year, I was part of the UST political scene. Not as a major player, but as a campaign supporter. I saw what it was like to have high school kids squabbling over a position that never really held much power--at least, not in my opinion.

Nobody cares about the UST student government. We somewhat care about our college student government, but we don't give a shit about the major electoral council. We never saw them, didn't know them, didn't care to know them...

And yet here were college kids, sending death threats via text, voicemal, email and plain old paper, to active party managers and candidates. Smear campaigns were carefully and tastefully launched, posters were ripped, rumors were spread, court cases were filed...and it's just the fucking college government. Ours doesn't even have as much pull as UP or Ateneo, as there are no future politician vying for the roles. (they were all busy training on the debating team)

I thought that was the lamest...and now I have this.

I never thought anyone that old could be capable of doing something like that to someone two decades younger....it's frigging unbelievable.


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