I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Year and A Half

It has occured to me that this blog has been in existence for a year and a half. Hey. Imagine that.

Since people I know actually find me in this blog, I now make an effort to trackback once in a while and check is someone left some comment in my old posts.

There hasn't been much of a difference in the before and after except that:

a) I think I was funnier before than I am now. Or maybe I just ran out of material. A lot more things to bitch about when you're actually sitting in an office somewhere with a bunch of gossip mongers than in your room, typing away on your keyboard.

b) I'm a lot more serious now. Heaven help me, I actually grew up these past two years.

c) I actually managed to admit to myself that I want to be a writer. Hopefully not forever be a starving writer.

Hmmm...It is now 1:32 pm. Breakfast. (I am now on EST time)


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