I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Friday, January 30, 2004


Some months ago I had to subscribe to nerve,com in order to read a an online story that Jay McInerney posted there.

I got the following message in my confirmation of subscription letter:

Save this email so you never forget them!

Now get in there and meet a honey in personals, make new friends in chat,
or join an ongoing message board discussion in the Web's only community of
thoughtful hedonists.

Thanks again for thinking about sex, and welcome aboard!

---- & -----
Your NerveCenter Cruise Directors

It was signed off with: Brought to you by NerveCenter
The Community of Thoughtful Hedonists

My brief foray into profiling has left me jaded on matters concerning sex. There isn’t much material out there that can shock me now, and I don’t try to judge people of their depravations. I don’t care how some people get their jollies so long as it doesn’t involve unsolicited violence or minors. Coz then I’ll sic the cops on you and I will be happy to do it.

Different strokes for different folks. I get that.

But this I still don’t get.

Every time someone is so blatantly open about sex—their views on sex, what sex means to them and others, blah, blah, blah…I’m sure there’s a word for this—that sets me aback.

A community of thoughtful hedonists.

How nice. And here I was always thinking that hedonists were selfish usurps of pleasure. Maybe they still are, but this community thinks first before they do something about it.

Just to be fair, nerve.com has some nice stories. I’ve read a couple of their stuff that was linked in some of the sites I frequent. They all have a sexual theme of course, but the quality of the writing is pretty good.

I’ve never been to any of the forums though, nor do I plan to. The thought of it just scares me. For some reason I can pick up Krafts Psychopathia Sexualis and be completely disassociated, but give me a couple of Yuppies screaming “sex! Sex! I want sex!” and I am out the door.

Maybe I’m just too clinical.


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