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Friday, January 23, 2004

Original Copy

El Nido, Palawan - If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you bring and who you like to be with?

In essence, this is the scenario that the producers of Expedition Robinson tried to play out in a survival competition held in several islands in this northern Palawan resort. Although it is named after Robinson Crusoe of classical literature, the contest is actually a cross between the island survivor character and another popular adventure tale, Lord of the Flies, says reality editor Jeppe Juhl.

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Here's proof that nothing is ever original.

I was trying out some of FRMP's (Fisheries Resource Management Project) links for the office CRM Clearbook when I stumbled onto this itty bitty thing.

Well, color me surprised, and here I thought that the Survivor series was a one of Original, a new reality show hatched by Aussie mark Burnette. Now i'm not so sure.

It's one thing to copy something else, but to take it, buff it, and to sell it of as the one-of real gold is just plain ass stupid.

But then again, this is Hollywood we're talking about. I'm still wondering why the British producers/makers of the UK version of Three's Company didn't sue. A lot of the scences were exact rip off, sets, clothes, reactions and all. If only the orignal didn't sound so cockney I bet they would have copied that too.

Let's see...currently we have The Ring, now we have Survivor...i'm pretty sure that there are one or two things that were copied from somewhere...

I know it' s not piracy, but what exactly do you call copying the exact same storyline, fill it with hi-pro stars, bombard it with a marketable soundtrack, glitzy special effects, then send it off with a remarkable teaser and ridiculous merchandise?


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