I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

"Forget the children! Save yourselves!

What do you know, an easter egg in a Voyager show.

If you are a Star Trek: Voyager fan or just someone who liked it, there is a part in the episode Tinker, Tenor, Dr. Spy when someone shouts "Forget the children! Save yourselves!" in the background from when the doctor tries to eject the warp core when he thought it was about to breach.

I read it on a messageboard and haven't had the chance to check it out myself, though I will since that ep was hilarious!

(for the non-trekkies...Voyager didn't have any chilldren at this time...save for one, Naomi, and they were certainly not going to forget her)


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