I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Freaky Friday

This is probably the only time that I wanted to go to work so badly that my mom got mad when I had to sneak out...or attempted to sneak out.

With me down to just a week and a month, I am rushing stuff. It doesn't help that Laarni and I have two clearbook deadlines on Monday--one on Coastal Resource Management and on Integrated Solid Waste Management.

It's rare that I look forward to going to work, since my job--though challenging because of the required tasks--has become pretty mundane. You're brain gets divided into "doing your job" and "creative writing mode", so you end up going home feeling like you've let down two tasks because you know you could have done better.

Anyway, I applied for a 1.50 leave for yesterday and today mainly because a) I needed a break and b) I have about 7 more leaves to consume, since leaves are not convertable to cash (doesn't that SUCK???)

I spent yesterday afternoon registering for the Fun Run then went on to go out with Rhem and his friend MK.

MK is another Trek fan and he's been wanting the two of us to meet for a very long time, and yesterday the planets aligned and plans finally pushed through.

We met her at Ateneo, since she's still just a senior, and were supposed to leave after half an hour. Rhem and I had scheduled dinner somewhere in Katipunan as we talked about our plans for the coming year: looking for a new job, freelancing, courses and workshops, etc. etc.

We'd agreed on Angelino's since I was in the mood for their gooey white cheese pizza but ended up bumming around at MK's house until around nine.

It was nice meeting new people, though I hadn't really planned for a whole night out so by the time I got home I was exhausted.

I walked a full five kilometers yesterday from GMA to where I took a jeep in Delta just so I could do a bit of training. I hadn't anticipated the heat, so my energy was already wilting by the time I went out again later in the evening.

But all things considered, everything went great.

I'm taking the time to be more social this year, mostly because I need the change.

I spent a great deal of time hanging out with just one person who didn't like to go out as much to begin with. We ate at the same places and mostly talked. Which means your social life equates with that of a shell, and that's what i'd like to avoid this year.

Besides, I need some material for my "try-out" script, which Rhem's friend was nice enough to get me. My mother is still getting over the fact that I will be writing something in Filipino, while my friends are just darn proud that I will be spending the next few days watching soaps--a lot of soaps--and not think "Oh God, my brain is melting!!!!"


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