I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The Twilight Zone

At exactly three pm on our second floor clock, time slows down to a snails pace and everything ceases to function.

It's amazing how a busy person with a packed schedule suddenly becomes lethargic at the stroke of the hour. Life is boring, your work overly taxing, and nothing seems like it can be accomplished because your legs are held down by ten pound weights.

This makes for an annoying but equally exciting hour, since people start wandering around, looking for someone to bother, or they just sit there pretending they're working on something, even if it's painfully obvious that they aren't.

Or you could just eat.

Our mid afternoon snack was stuffed crust Super Supreme pizza, ordered by one of the consultants who got shanghaid into treating everyone. It was--unfortunately--placed at the admin department, where the former boss--who will soon be my former boss FOREVER--resides. I haven't been within ten feet of her nor established eye contact since...well, since I got promoted.

A little after lunch, she lowered the thermostat to 18 degrees from a reasonable 23. After an hour everyone was shaking in their seats, including her, since somebody already lowered the thermostat at her place to 19 degrees (wasn't me...i'm not the only one she manages to offend)

I was going to be an ass by lowering it to a ridiculous 13, since I was already wearing a parka, but her assistant staggered up from her seat--probably half frozen and thinking I was going to raise it up--and said that I should just turn the damn airconditiong off.

We people from the tropics have low tolerance for temperatures under 21 degrees, except for maybe the boss who seems to be part reptile.

Note to self: see her reaction to scenes from Jurassic Park. Is it a) nostalgic, b) sympathetic, c) pride at seeing her ancestors in their glory.

For some (you) people (you know who you are)...I understand that this expression of severe odium towards my former boss--thank God--may seem rather...well, severe. It is. So suck it up, it was meant to be that way

Plenty of people already feel like killing their boss, try to imagine what it's like when she strikes on the up close and very personal. Things get nasty. When you get pushed, several times, sometimes you just have no choice but to push back--hard.

You can't get through life stuck on Three PM Hour. If you keep shaking a soda bottle, don't be surprised when it bursts open in a fizz. Even the most complacent of people can react when provoked.

Here's a wonderful example: I went out with my cousin and her friends to the UP fair. They kept bringing up this annoying habbit that one of their friends had. He had this way of tapping peoples shoulders to get their attention. But taps can often lead to pokes, which is often hard to differentiate.

And when taps become pokes, people are compelled to just poke back--maybe somewhere on their eye.


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