Things that fascinate me
I don't know whether or not I should be happy that the simplest things in life now fascinate me. Maybe it's boredom or my standards on better living have sunk really low.
I wonder if Jessica Simpson knows that the reason why 3/4's of the viewers of The Newlyweds tune in not to get some vicarious thrill out of her married life with Nick Lacy but to see just how fucking dumb she is.
Yesterday the episode featured her and husband Nick (you sick lovefool bastard) in a horse drawn carriage. She asked what would happen if they saw a red light. Nick said something like "well, we stop" (duh). If that's not dumb enough for your shallow tastes, she went ahead and asked how the horse would do that.
Not exactly the horsewoman, isn't she? Good thing hubby was kind (what a friggin' saint) to explain things such as reigns, bits and bridles: what they are, how they connect to the horse, and how it actually stops the horse.
I don't think she got it, but she laughed like she did anyway (awwwww) How about a little demo, Nick!
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