I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Public Domain

Like he wasn't hot enough the first time...

Luke Walton will be included in People Magazine's 50 Hottest Bachelors.

I wonder if he has a publicist, or if it's the Lakers' publicists idea to do this? I've long lost my belief on things such as these when I found out how much of this really is publicity as opposed to truth.

I remember Jay McInerny (author of "Bright Lights, Big City") saying in an interview that his publicist was lamenting that she couldn't put him on some prominent magazines hottest bachelors list because he'd just gotten married. That he should sort of go clubbing more often to be seen.

First off, I can't believe that a writer would need a publicist. Second, that a writer needs that much build-up that he should land in the Hottest Bachelors list of anything.

Now it's sports stars. Gone are the days when they just play, now you have to cater to the media too.

A few interviews stating a little about homelife should be fine, but a publicity move such as this one...what will they be selling next? Underwear for Calvin Klein?

I remember when Jordan was just a baller and not a franchise. Now when you think about him, it's hard to not associate him with his shoes. Or his movies. Or various other endorsements.

So what will Walton do next? I wonder if LA Gear--which he already endorses--will come up with a shoe named after him. Or put him in a movie. Mineral Water commercials? Cosmo's hottest hunks? Seventeen mag profile? Or just that Calvin Klein underwear ad?


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