I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Ever since I got DSL i've been addicted to one thing: trailers. Not because it's an accurate discription of what the movie is going to be (case in point: The Jacket) or even tell me whether or not it's going to be a good movie, because let's face it people, sometimes the damn trailer is better than the movie itself...Or the trailer is the damn movie itself.

But it's still an excellent promotional tool, and I watch it simply because I can. I get this evil grin on my face every time I log onto Video Detective watching clip upon clip, remembering the days of (woe) on dial-up.

Once you're on DSL, you can never go back. Never.

Anyway, I recently came across two clips that really piqued my interest.

One is the UK TV promo for Lost (thanks to John August for the link) who does this really cool noirish music video that tells you nothing on what the show is all about...but who the hell cares really, because at this point, everyone's heard of Lost. Even the people who don't watch it have an idea of what it is.

And thanks to this video, I am looking forward to watching the second season, this time with the addition of Michelle Rodriguez. You go, girl.

Second is the trailer to Crispin Glover's movie (thanks again to John August for the link) What is it? This is probably the most confusing and disjointed trailer that i've seen that actually gives you an accurate idea on what the movie is going to be like. And yes, after seeing, I do want to know what the hell it is and would be willing to sit for the next 120 minutes just finding out what.

Crispin Glover was the Thin Man in the Charlies Angels movies. I first saw him way back in the River's Edge when it first screened here on cable (like i'd watch it in the theaters when I was six) and his performance really stuck to me. After previewing this, it now makes me wonder what the hell was going through his head when he made this, when he wrote this...fuck, when he even got the grain of an idea that turned it into...this.

It looks like it was shot using your regular home DVD camcorder, but the effects of it all really just blows you away. And none of them seem like CGI too, just honest to goodness smoke and props. It's like the old 70's sci-fi movies with a little bit of porn thrown in. It's disgustingly and perversely amazing.

And I can't wait to see it.


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