I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Holy cow!

I just learned that Whilsce Portacio illustrates for Robotech! Woohoo! Yay Pinoy talent!!!

I am currently reading Robotech fanfiction. If my friends learns of this, they will blow their tops. I think Macross/Robotech was the biggest obsession I have ever had! I talked about them everyday non-stop!

I don't think i'll be as crazy as I was before. I've been a trek fan for a long time, and the people in the group is amazing! But Macross/Robotech will always be sort of like my first love...or first obsession. Whichever you like.


I've also registered on the Robetch official site. I think I did it mostly to frighten my friends. They really did have to put up with a lot during my Macross obsessive days.

Hehehehe. Here's to Macross.


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