I am checking out Bloom cosmetics site. I bought gloss gloss from them and now I am absolutely in love with it. The shade is Deep Coral and it is amazing!
Anyway, I'm checking out the site and I feel like such a girl. It's all pink and Down With Love and Audrey Hepbrun and it's a frigging cosmetics site! It's almost like the first time I shaved my legs. All shocked and smooth, feeling as if I betrayed some feminist conviction that I never really had.
In truth, I was just lazy. Shaving your leg hairs takes some time and serious attention (Don't look at me like that, those blades are damn sharp!). But during my debating run, where the competition was as ruthless in the podium as it was strutting in our business suits, I just had to shape up.
When I started, we all dressed up just for the heck of it. It was fun not being in our uniforms and we just went all out. Of course, we shocked everyone by showing up in our smart casual suits--and won. It eliminated all the smirks that we got when people thought we were only there to make a fashion statement. Ha.
Anyway, I think I started by bleaching my leg hairs with Sally Hansen, because someone told me that once you shaved your leg hairs they were going to grow thick and course and you can never stop.
Of course, the same thing happened with bleach which is why I had to resort to shaving. Those damn bleaching kits are expensive and it's just damn awkward to wear black stockings when you have blond hair sticking out.
Just to be fair, I didn't end up with monkey legs. They grew a lot stiffer, and yes, compared to my minimal coverage of leg hair before, slightly thicker. But they don't look as bad as some people though now they do need the regular maintenance.
Besides, if you've gotten used to having shiny and smooth legs, you just can't help but break out the razor when you see the hairs already cropping out. I'm not too fussy with it either. I just use lather or conditioner, and those green Gilettes for women. Plus, I have excellent razor control. The only time I ever slipped and knicked myself was when I told myself that I never knicked myself...which means I ought to shut up about it since I do not want another accident in the shower next time I shave.
The Bloom site was really...cute. Girlie. I played the flash duck game on the site and got somewhat hooked. You're supposed to click on this fast moving duck and get points if you do. It's an annoying stick figure duck in a pink skirt that sqawks when you hit it, I just had to play it. But the game is somewhat progessive so it sort of speeds up the faster you get. Which frustrates you since you are being beaten by a stupid pink duck. So in the end you really are just after the stupid duck.
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