I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


To paraphrase Jeri Ryan `Geometry isn't math, it's logic. Then they started mixing in the letters with the numbers and that's just bullshit'.

That's not the exact quote. There may something in between or the order is mucked up, but it really was something to that effect. Trust me on this. I have to remember since this one is so true...at least for me.

The only type of math that I liked was geometry. Plane geometry, with very little algebra as possible. My HS geometry teacher told me once that I would have done better if only i'd avoided making "careless mistakes", which I later found out was caused by my being mildly dyslexic. Which leads onto...

Why I can't remember all my 8 digit pin codes.

Numbers are so not my thing. To be fair though, that's sixteen new numbers to remember, plust the long account number.

I placed new numbers so that the PINS would be a lot more random. It seems paranoid, but if you've had hacker friends and even tested some crack programs just for fun, then you would be extra careful, too. I know my precaution of changing numbers is usless against a crack, but it makes me feel more comfortable anyway.


Anyway, first I forgot my PIN and got locked out. I had to call customer service in order to have it reset. Then I enrolled my bills and went on to pay....wherein I forgot my S-PIN number.

S-Pin is the nice number that allows you to transfer funds. You have to go to the bank and pin it again. You cannot call customer care anymore to have it changed.

I called the bank and asked them if I had to go down and could they just pin it themselves. The manager said that they didn't know what to do when online enrollees lost their S-PIN, then asked me to drop by and pin the number again.

I told them that the reason why I did this was because I didn't want to go to a bank in the first place!


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