Just chilling out and resting for the first time this week. So much stuff has happened this January that my mind is reeling. I've barely been home these past few weeks, and when I am, I spend most of it sleeping or catching up on some personal work.
Looking back on the past four weeks, I have to say that it's been pretty tough. Not so much mentally, but that it's been physically demanding. After spending most of 2005 cooped up in my house, the amount of travelling that i've done just for this month has been somewhat exhausting.
The status of my bank account is also a bit annoying. I have to bring some maintenance money in otherwise I'm going to be in deep shit in a few months. Although with me being more disciplined now, I am confident that I can find a way to get the cash. Probably not as much as I made last year, but good enough to keep me afloat as I try and establish myself.
So...first month assesment of 2006?
It's been good. I haven't had much time to sit down and take it all in yet, but so far things have been okay. I am learning a lot about the craft of TV and filmmaking--at the same time! It is literally learning by doing, and it has it's pros and cons.
For one, everything is a baptism of fire. You literally learn from your mistakes and then hope that you get the opportunity to do it again. It hasn't been easy, but i've seen so many aspects of the industry in these few short weeks. Had I been in film school, i'd probably still be reading about this insead of doing it.
But! When I'm standing there in those moments where I have no idea whether i'm doing the right thing, I do kind of wish that I had some sort of previous academic background. At least something to reassure me that I am not going to end up being the missing nail that will ruin this production.
The challenge of learning two seperate fields at the same time, in many different arenas is also quite wearing. Most people focus on one aspect of it, whether it be production, direction, or writing, for film or television. I don't have that luxury. I just grab whatever oppurtunity for me to be on the set.
For the most part, I am anxious to just sit down and start writing. Although production is fun, it isn't something that I would want to do for a very long time. The schedule is extremely demanding, and it would have to be a very special project for a homebody like me to do it.
Every day is an adventure though, and so far, it has been wonderful.