I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Spark My Fanny

Yes, here I am again, blogging while on the clock.

I would have said that this is a nice side benefit to working at home, but honestly? I didn't much care about that when I was working in a real office (awaaaay from home) either.

It keeps me from going nuts.

Anyway, at "work" I am calling people like crazy again. Which is what I was hired for. I am "the phone girl" and it has just occured to me that I have been "the phone girl" for close to...well, maybe not years.

But I just realized that for every job that i've been hired, it mostly has something to do with answering phones. At least, it starts that way.

So by now, i've worked at a callcenter, been a "receptionist", then a "virtual receptionist".

Of course, I did/do more stuff other than answer phones, some of which even required some neurons (though not much of that lately), but it always starts with me getting hired for my accent.

Looking back, it has--at least, collectively-- provided me with a job for close to...well, two or three years. Since I left college.

Imagine that.


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