And that's the way things go...
Yesterday I spoke with my supervisor to tell him that I would be quitting my job. It was a sad and emotional experience but something that I really had to do.
It was a difficult thing, turning away from all that money. If I could juggle both, if I could do the job and then write, I would have loved it. But as things stand right now, there is no way for me to be able to write two full length scripts then co-produce some of them at the same time if I have to be tied to my PC every 9pm.
I was still a little iffy about it--after all, who hell wants to lose income--but when my script for a short got picked up, it was all over.
I just took a peek at my tentative sched and realized that there was no way I could make this work. With everyone from the crew having a day job and lonely me with the only night job, I wasn't going to fit in. Not with rehearsals and production meetings happening at 5pm, and weekend shoots with call-times at 6am.
In a way, it hurt more because of the money. I didn't want to have to lose any. Because for a time, I was a kid who earned a ridiculous amount. I got to go on vacation without ever thinking of how much I was spending. I indulged myself with cab rides and designer coffee and mini shopping spree's ate wherever the fuck I wanted.
And I got to treat people to boot.
But for the past few months, I was never really happy. And if what makes me sad right now is walking away from the money and not losing the people from my job, then it makes sense to walk away now than to continue being miserable because I had to pass up the oppurtunities that are coming into my life.
Career wise, things are really picking up for me now. The production company that we're setting up is seems to be making a name--and just on it's first outing. That's a pretty big deal (considering that we haven't even registered)
So here's to moviemaking--hopefully this is just the start of things.