I ran out of space in my head...the net seemed vast enough so I decided to lump it all here.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Things You Should Never Do Before You Run A Marathon

1. Never drink a Grande White Mocha before you race...even if it's hours before

Especially if you are an idiot girl who has MVP and whose heartbeat is already a quarter higher than most

2. Never buy movie that you absolutely have to watch that you miss out on important things such as SLEEP

It was Mannequin. Good grief, I hope this Andrew McCarthy obsession is a fleeting thing.

3. Skip dinner

I had a crueller. Hear that? I had a crueller.

4. Not train for...six months? A month? A full fucking week?!

5. Not sleep

Why wouldn't I be surprised, with that much caffein pumping through my veins!!!

If I pass out during the race, you all know why.

(Ugh. Why can't I just SLEEP)

Friday, February 27, 2004

Word Power...Word Power...Word Power!!!

Hanging out in the Damian Lewis Yahoo Group--I so love that guy--has produced some rather unusual side effects: a minor boost in street lingo.

I've picked up some cute new brit slang which I hope to try on my friends when I see them soon ("My former boss was bloody flecking angry! Spitting chips, I tell you!) Strangely, most of them has something to do with food.

But the greatest addition so far isn't British, it's American. And it's not even slang, it's part of the new found terms that people keep inventing just to try and explain our ever changing world.

It's the "it word" of vocabularies, terms necessary to learn in order to keep up with higher social existence. The word that could start a trend if mentioned the right way at a cocktail party, preferably before everyone gets drunk but tipsy enough to think the word brilliant.


The question was: Do you think Damian Lewis is metrosexual? Addressed mainly to the fans who've met him, who all cried with a resounding "NO!"

You go, girls.

But that's not why I remember it.


During my junior year at UST, I was introduced to one of the most annoying men I have ever met. He was metrosexual spat out and redux. He is so annoying that it's amazing. He's the kind of guy that you'll want to know just so you can tell people he's annoying and introduce him just so you can share the collective pleasure of being annoyed with him.

In short, he is that bad smell that you just have to keep on smelling. The filler during that awkward pause in conversation. The resident punchbag of the community.


His reputation was so widespread that even the teachers thought him brilliantly irritating. People from different faculties are joined by him, chatting on how such a student could be so...vain.

This guy has tried conning people out of their money, dredging up excuses to have groupmates call him at home regarding schoolwork only to leave them to the machine, or just small, stupid stuff like copying from your tests.

And yet people can't seem to lose the guy.

I had the oppurtunity to have IPTU in my Org chem lab group. It was the worst class to be in since it was at seven in the morning, and though we were all from the same major (psych) none of us ever really got along.

Until IPTU, the metrosexual glue that binds people together for a single cause: hating him.

He'd come in and we'd be in the middle of some annoying procedure--like refluxing a chemical--telling us that he was late because he missed breakfast and had to stop by McDonalds to go eat, while we three of his lab partners got up at o`fucking early and missed breakfast just to be there.

Or he'd refused to do any of the drudgework, like wash or wipedown used glassware, since he never fucking washed dishes at home. Having him say that to our faces made the feeling of satisfaction more enjoyable when the teacher learned of this and placed him on permanent glassware washing duties. For the record, none of us from the group did the dishes at home. At that time, I and the other groupmate had maids while the other one was ridiculously rich.

How he'd spend more time combing his hair and scaring some of the girls by flirting--us included. When he complained that he couldn't do the set-up for one of our experiments (we needed to perforate a can) because he didn't know how to use a hammer. I think me and the female teammates eyes were glowing red in delight when everyone started calling him a stupid wimp.

Ah, IPTU. The man we all just love to hate.

Maybe you're not wont to hate the metrosexual, but I keep wondering if IPTU somehow managed to wander off to DC and meet the author of the word. It certainly describes him.

When the word evolves and dies down--as most "it words" do, i'm sure that IPTU's legacy will live on.

When the teachers from different departments have a spat, in the lulls of half-drunken conversations, in the amused faces of the chem lab custodians who spread the rumor that he was gay (an insult to the gay community) and certainly in memories itching for something annoying.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

If you can't be with the one you love...

Club him in the head before he can get away.

Pagsawaan mo, lituin mo. Then you can let him go.

Okay, i'm kidding.

This is an excerpt from my friend Karen's blog. The people only started to reveal themselves to me after listening to my MP3 of It Takes Two by Donny and Marie Osmond, which I accidentaly loaded when I was ripping off Into the Woods.

Strange how the voices of people you haven't heard from in close to four years suddenly can become so clear they star yelling at you all over again.

Darn, I miss those guys.

Rants from your former student

Some people have a penchant for picking direlicts for boyfriends or morons for friends. Few even have the unfortunate predilection to pick the wrong mentors.

I, on the other hand, have this compunction to be sighted and picked by psycho mentors and unwillingly turned from unsuspecting student/debater/employee into one serverly fucked over protoge.

Yes, this is a rant. A big rant. Directed mostly at my former boss--who I hope to God I will never in my whole life see or hear from EVER again. Let me call up imagery: this is my boss, the cold blooded blimp, being fired upon by multi-phasic torpedoes and phasers--FULL SPREAD. Too trekkie?

Okay, then here's a more dated picture: me with a mace shouting in a megaphone turned full volume---placed right next to her ear.

If your life is a good case of Murphy's Law just happening over and over, then you would know what i'm talking about.

Why the hell does it have to be me?!?!

Exhibit A: certain members of my gene pool who I will only in the vaguest of terms mention. I had hero worship when I was 12. Last I checked, that was twelve frigging years ago. I have no desire to talk like you, be like you, or even think like you. Unless there is some altercation involved--caused mainly by our wildly conflicting personalities--I do not even think of you.

Exhibit B: my former debating coach. He was hecka vain, but he was funny and he was good. He was actually great...until he got it into his head to start power-tripping with his debaters. Suddenly, I went from being a promising member of his team to the hack who owed him everthing.

Dude, i've got news: it takes talent to argue very well. It takes a lot of charisma, which is something you don't have. It's not our fault that you picked your team so well that some of the members surpassed your skills. Don't feel so hurt and surprised when you feel like you've been knocked from our adoring pedestal, since we never really placed you there in the first place. And for crying out loud, when you coach other teams, try to limit spilling our weaknesses and trade secrets to the sport. If I have another debater/stranger come up to me again with scared doe eyes hiding behind a smirk, saying "Oh, so you're Kriszia" while they shake my hand, I WILL TELL EVERYONE YOU ARE GAY. Starting with the women you're deluding.

Exhibit C: My former boss---argh!!!! This woman is out of her mind. She needs to be in therapy, preferably in group just so people can tell her straight to her face that she isn't all that nice of a person. And to clarify with her that abusing and harassing a person is very different from strict mentoring. Especially when said person wasn't looking to be mentored in the first place.

Some people think that they're so great that they want to spread their love around. They just never stopped to ask if people wanted it.

I'm beginning to see the value of knowing some straightforward bitchy friends. If you suck they tell you to your face that you do. I have no doubt that my former boss--grrr--started out a decent person, all of it just went to her head. She started out in a fairly high position. But I think she's forgetting the fact that she is no longer young, and yet she's still in the same position (supervisor--peeon overseer) only this time she has more money.

I guess I was the only person who ever really stood up to her. Scared the shit out of her...in truth, it scared the shit out of me too.

But like I said, when you're pushed hard into a wall several times, at one point you will have to push back--HARD.

Psychologically Tested! 100% Guaranteed

Just finished taking a psych test for my friend Karen's grad class (Kay dude, that was standardized, right? If it wasn't...it was darn accurate. Hire me when you want to market it. We'll make wonderful money together.)

Taking it reminded me of my college days, where I spent most of my time looking dumbly at teachers and passing notes.

I missed out on being an ass of a student in high school. Besides that incident with the pro-choice thing, I was a "model student".

For the record though, I stared dumbly at my teachers because what they said bored me, and the notes I passed were done in haiku, limericks or pot shots at the IMF. All of them wonderfully received by Karen, my seatmate and debater extraordinair.

Non-standardized pysch tests is the next step to Cosmo Pop Quizzes. If you're into taking tests from a magazine but already know everything you need to know about dating, sex, men and the wonders of your vagina, non-standardized tests are for you.

One of the most annoying things you're asked as a psych major is "Hey, can you give me a test?" It's right next to "Can you tell me what i'm thinking right now?" and "Can you help me with my problem?"

It's wonderful how some people can have so much faith in you when they learn that you're a shrink in progress, but here are a few things you need to know:

1. Psych students are in psych because they have a problem
Not institutional problems, though you will get the occassional nut job who has some serious hang ups with their mother.

Other than that, psych students are interested in psych because they are interested in fixing emotional distress...in themselves. Though some may not realize it until the their third semester.

2. We don't have psych tests in our bags, purses, cars, briefcases, laptops, or in PDAs in PDF format.
Oh, sometimes we do. For school. For credit. For class time. Since administering and checking tests is not a hobby.

3. Can you tell me what i'm thinking?
If I did, I would probably be in a booth somewhere making money or hanging out with hollywood stars and presidents, or stuffed in a basement somewhere doing major secret service.

I would not, however, be standing in front of you laughing my ass of on the inside and wanting to throttle you on the inside because you just confused--again--a psychologist for a psychic.

4. I have a problem...
This is why shrinks have an office and billable hours. Anything beyond that, it's spilling your guts or asking advice from a friend.

Now ask yourself: is the nice stranger who just happens to be taking psych your friend? If you think she is, have you tried asking her if she thinks you are her friend?

5. Patience is a virtue...
That not all psych majors or even psychologists have, i'm sorry. Which is why some of us end up in research while the tempered go to law school.

If you irritate us, we will get pissed. If you bawl on our dry clean only shirt, we will get annoyed. If you insult us, we will insult you back--by telling you, in clinical terms, what a psycho you are and taking five points off your IQ test.

This is especially true if you play the "understanding" card.

"But you're a psych major, you should understand that she's just angry..."

Yeah, and did I mention that you are psycho and your intelligence quotient says you're not fooling anyone?

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Something for a friend

This is for my friend Laarni, to cheer her up:

"Theft from a single author is plagiarism. Theft from two is comparative study. Theft from three or more is research."
--Unknown author

Happy hunting!

Sailing Away

I just got my formal notice at work today.

It's this nice letter telling me again--in writing--what I already know and an offer to write me a recommendation letter.

Aww, how sweet.

Moving on...

Our office server broke down at work today. After three years of running almost non-stop, the power grid just blinked out on us. Time of death is suspected to be between 2am to 3am, when we had a city-wide blackout.

As a result, everyone basically walked around in a daze, wondering what the hell they were going to do since no one could get any work done. All the files we were working on were in our network folders, we didn't have e-mail, internet or intranet. Heck, we didn't even have a network printer.

I started doing some of my remaining assignments, though I really was bored for most of the day. I spent most of my time re-writing municipal coastal resource policies and wishing that I was home or writing parts of my script.

Don't get me wrong, I love the ocean and I love reading laws and policies. One of my goals is to learn how to scuba dive and go on an actual conservationist expedition.

But sitting there, reading about it, writing it, and helping out with the IEC materials...it just reminds you how much fun it is out there and how utterly boring it is to be in here.

I was reading about the coasts of the municipalities or Tabina and Tukuran in Zamboanga del sur--still one of the best beaches not overrun by tourists--and wanted nothing more than to just pack a bag and my snorkling gear, hop on a plane and just be there.

Laarni and I were just talking after dinner and I mentioned how glad I was that I'd be out by the end of March. We're both eager to just head on out, since we'd reached a point where our salaries are the only thing that woke us mornings and just go to work.

March was supposed to be my planned departure--contract end or no--but I didn't want to lose my separation pay.

The first thing I thought after things settled down in my head was "Man, I need a vacation!"

I haven't had a decent vacation in months! The last major vacation I had was a dud. Anything after that, all my leave time was spent at home, trying to catch up on my sleep or just taking off anywhere just so I wouldn't see my former boss'--hallelujiah!--face.

I'm down to less than 25 days--20, since I have to consume all my leaves.

Xarra and I have scheduled something for next week--anywhere, we don't exactly care all that much this point. We're still somehow broke, but we both desperately need a vacation.

Technically, I can afford it. My savings are pretty good, but since i've alloted most of it to school and planned for a whole years worth of damage spending, I plan to just use my last paycheck to pay for it.

The onlyt thing that's stopping us is money. We both have money to spare, but we're conservative spenders that prefer to live on our incomes and leave the savings to the bank.

And as adults-in-training, we are not going to have our mums and dads fund it.

"Forget the children! Save yourselves!

What do you know, an easter egg in a Voyager show.

If you are a Star Trek: Voyager fan or just someone who liked it, there is a part in the episode Tinker, Tenor, Dr. Spy when someone shouts "Forget the children! Save yourselves!" in the background from when the doctor tries to eject the warp core when he thought it was about to breach.

I read it on a messageboard and haven't had the chance to check it out myself, though I will since that ep was hilarious!

(for the non-trekkies...Voyager didn't have any chilldren at this time...save for one, Naomi, and they were certainly not going to forget her)

Monday, February 23, 2004


I just found out that the biggest referrer to my profile page (--->Jacket) is google.

Now that shouldn't be, it should be this site. I mean, why the hell would anyone take interest in my profile in google? And just out of curiousity, just how did I list in google?

It turns out that my profile site description reads as "i am not an ax murderer i am not an ax murdererwho: kriszia"

What exactly did you search? Flunky? Pickle? Flunkypickle? Kriszia? Or Ax Murderer?

Brat Packed

It started with Bodyguard In Beijing, it really did.

Last week, I bought all three shiny comic books of Darna's 50th anniversary special. I just had to see it and spent 360 bucks (around $8.00) just to satisfy my curiousity.

My mind was in Soap Opera overload that day, so most of my mall purchases that night was...unusual.

I was looking for Bodyguard from Beijing (Jet Li, circa `94) because I read a fanfic based on this movie and thought it sounded interesting. I heard it sucked but what the hey. I wasn't looking for something cerebral, I was looking for something mildly entertaining.

But none of the videostores at the mall seem to think that Jet Li made movies before he did Romeo Must Die, except for this one token copy of Once Upon A Time In China hidden behind Jackie Chan's older stuff.

Instead of going home empty handed, I decided to pick up something else. Something nice, linear, and mildly entertaining.

So I chose Pretty In Pink.

There is something about that movie that just draws you in. Except for that godawful prom dress--and those crappy `80s clothes--that movie is just...well, it's happy.

I think I went to bed that night smiling.

I'd just seen Andew McCarthy on Straight From The Heart (2003) and thought I needed to watch a lot more of these to get me on a happy-high--enough to get me to write some mush.

Angst I can do in a heartbeat, mush...mush is something else.

I must have seen Pretty In Pink a total of three or four times this week. The one and only time I saw it was....ten years ago? When channel nine re-ran it as their weekend special.

My cousins (children of the `80s, you should see their prom pics) were all over this and we younguns got dragged in the excitement.

I don't think I ever got over Andrew McCarthy after that.

Just for variety though, I do like James Spader. My mother loved White Palace (1990) and I thought he played Jackson pretty well in Stargate (not really a fan of SG-1, sorry)

But Andrew McCarthy... I must have paused, replayed, forwarded and paused some more on all the yummy parts in that movie. I don't honestly care that the only thing he did there was to widen his eyes and twitch his mouth (oh, that smile) to show emotion. I wasn't after an Oscar performance, it worked for me...man, it worked for a lotta girls!

Now I am stuck on Andrew McCarthy...heck, i'm even stuck with an image of Robbie McNeill playing Charlie Brent in my head.

Is this retribution for dishing the soaps? Fuck, is this karma for dishing the `80s?

If my friends are reading this...if I start wearing my hair up in a side pony or attempt to put on any of Patricia Fields `80s creations...stuff me in a closet until the next season comes out. Please.

Sunday, February 22, 2004


What the fuck is up with the people from MTV Jackass?

I passed by MTV Asia while the documentary I was watching was on a commercial and saw these Chinese kids sliding down escalators and concrete steps in a giant wok.

As if it wasn't bad enough, they show these kids with maniacal smiles making a silent intro before each and every stupid stunt. Then after they wipeout on their ass on some concrete walk, their eyes bulge and they moan in pain, acting like it surprised them.

I wonder what kind of message MTV is sending by having shows like this?

Go be an ass? Get creative by figuring out how many ways you can fall off stairs or get shot in the chest by various projectiles? Be a public nuisance by running around in a gorilla suit while scaring other people off and wrecking their cars?

Why don't I save you the trouble and just shove you off a cliff instead.

Better yet, why don't you show up at a Call Center and have some of the customer service agents take a shot at you during peak hours. That way you can help people destress while you make an ass out of yourself. You can even wear the gorilla suit, i'm sure they won't mind.

I don't care if they place warnings before every show. If people can ignore traffic signs and TV Meal instructions, did they honestly think that these brief flash ads will do the trick? Were the studio execs on drugs when they approved the show?

And here we are asking questions on why kids can't get motivated.

They are--to stay on the street trying to see if getting their head whacked is funny.

If these kids want to be professional crash test dummies, maybe we ought to just cut to the chase and drag them to some pyhsics lab. That way we can finally be rid of test cadavers.

Instead we can stick these morons with pressure gauges, shove them into a car, then ram it into a wall.

After which they can crawl out with whiplash and just say "OWWWWWW"

Saturday, February 21, 2004

So which one are you?

Got this from Wil Wheaton's site.

It's nice to know that I am pretty high up in the geek hierarchy...though I don't know how much points you lose if you belong to more than one category.

I do have one thing to say though...

What about the Horror fans? I think it sucks that people who are enamored with bloody vampires don't get the same treatment.

Okay, so they're a bit more scary, but it's a respectable obsession. I know people who play the live action Kindred The Embrace game and now know more than I need to about reapers, warewolves and vampires in general.

Interesting species.

I was pretty secure in my status as a crappy meal until I saw episodes of Buffy. Damn, and here I thought being thin would save me. It turns out that vampires aren't very descriminating with what they eat. Though according to a friend of mine, Buffy is not a very good reference for vampire myths and lores.

"What's the deal with the butt ugly vampires? I mean, we do not morph!"

I found the statement funny, but the fact he said "we" somehow disturbs me.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Couch Potato

This is for my friend Xarra:

Christopher Gorham--who now looks oh-so-much older with that new haircut--is going to be in a new medical TV drama with Neal McDonough (Band of Brothers, Boomtown)

Christopher Gorham went from Odyssey5 to Jake 2.0. Kiddie looks aside, I think he's a decent actor.

Waiting to see if they're going to push through with CSI: New York, not to mention the faith of Boston Public and Star Trek: Entrprise.

Enterprise is entertaining, though it does seem to have lost that Star Trek mystique. I don't blame the producers for trying to do something new, but I do agree that Rick Berman wasn't the right person to do it.

Still, if they do decide to put the show on sudden hiatus and have it back completely revamped (have no idea how they'll do it) i'm still going to look forward to watching it.

I'm a 24th century gal, but trek is trek, and you take all you can as a fan.

Freaky Friday

This is probably the only time that I wanted to go to work so badly that my mom got mad when I had to sneak out...or attempted to sneak out.

With me down to just a week and a month, I am rushing stuff. It doesn't help that Laarni and I have two clearbook deadlines on Monday--one on Coastal Resource Management and on Integrated Solid Waste Management.

It's rare that I look forward to going to work, since my job--though challenging because of the required tasks--has become pretty mundane. You're brain gets divided into "doing your job" and "creative writing mode", so you end up going home feeling like you've let down two tasks because you know you could have done better.

Anyway, I applied for a 1.50 leave for yesterday and today mainly because a) I needed a break and b) I have about 7 more leaves to consume, since leaves are not convertable to cash (doesn't that SUCK???)

I spent yesterday afternoon registering for the Fun Run then went on to go out with Rhem and his friend MK.

MK is another Trek fan and he's been wanting the two of us to meet for a very long time, and yesterday the planets aligned and plans finally pushed through.

We met her at Ateneo, since she's still just a senior, and were supposed to leave after half an hour. Rhem and I had scheduled dinner somewhere in Katipunan as we talked about our plans for the coming year: looking for a new job, freelancing, courses and workshops, etc. etc.

We'd agreed on Angelino's since I was in the mood for their gooey white cheese pizza but ended up bumming around at MK's house until around nine.

It was nice meeting new people, though I hadn't really planned for a whole night out so by the time I got home I was exhausted.

I walked a full five kilometers yesterday from GMA to where I took a jeep in Delta just so I could do a bit of training. I hadn't anticipated the heat, so my energy was already wilting by the time I went out again later in the evening.

But all things considered, everything went great.

I'm taking the time to be more social this year, mostly because I need the change.

I spent a great deal of time hanging out with just one person who didn't like to go out as much to begin with. We ate at the same places and mostly talked. Which means your social life equates with that of a shell, and that's what i'd like to avoid this year.

Besides, I need some material for my "try-out" script, which Rhem's friend was nice enough to get me. My mother is still getting over the fact that I will be writing something in Filipino, while my friends are just darn proud that I will be spending the next few days watching soaps--a lot of soaps--and not think "Oh God, my brain is melting!!!!"

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Run For A Cause

It's done!

A few officemates and I are going to run in this years GMA Fun Run to help raise money for schoolbuildings and playgrounds for the kids in Mindanao.

Aside from this, I have decided to collect pledges in order to sponsor a World Vision child for a few months, or if I raise enough money, a whole year!

My minimum rate is about ten bucks per kilometer--a measly 12 US cents. I've managed to raise something, but I think I can work on a few more people. I'm running the 10k, which isn't far for serious competitors, but far enough for beginners like me.

By the way, this is a plug to those people I do know. I take checks. I can have aboitiz pick it up. So donate for a cause?

Hey, are you...

Once in a while, I will get a person asking me if I am related to Jean Vengua Grier.

This started when I put up my first website when I was 18 and somebody noticed that we--me and "jean" share a common family name. The excitement increases when I tell them that I'm a writer, as if it's confirmation that I am related to said author and that all this literary affection was bled out in my genes.

Sad to say...I have no idea whether or not we're related.

So far, according to the web, I am "related" to an engineer, someone who own a construction company in England, said writer, a woman living in Florida, and another 23 year old who went to USC.

It doesn't help that my Mirror Project entries pop high up on the google list--next to Jean Vengua Grier's blogs--where the first thing you see is my friend Sally washing dishes.

Someone once told me that the Mormon's had copies of (everyone's?) census records, which often makes me curious as to why they did this or if it really is true.

Considering how the Manila records office can be frighteningly lax, it's a comfort to know that someone else probably has a copy of my birth certificate, as proof that I am, indeed, here.

I've always been curious of my ancestral roots. Someone already did the work on my mothers maiden name and I already have a lead on my paternal grandmother's geneology.

It makes me wonder why no one ever bothered to write down their family trees. I mean, is this a trend reserved to those of royal or noble birth? I'm sure even somone who doesn't have a drop of blue blood is pretty curious on who they are.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The Twilight Zone

At exactly three pm on our second floor clock, time slows down to a snails pace and everything ceases to function.

It's amazing how a busy person with a packed schedule suddenly becomes lethargic at the stroke of the hour. Life is boring, your work overly taxing, and nothing seems like it can be accomplished because your legs are held down by ten pound weights.

This makes for an annoying but equally exciting hour, since people start wandering around, looking for someone to bother, or they just sit there pretending they're working on something, even if it's painfully obvious that they aren't.

Or you could just eat.

Our mid afternoon snack was stuffed crust Super Supreme pizza, ordered by one of the consultants who got shanghaid into treating everyone. It was--unfortunately--placed at the admin department, where the former boss--who will soon be my former boss FOREVER--resides. I haven't been within ten feet of her nor established eye contact since...well, since I got promoted.

A little after lunch, she lowered the thermostat to 18 degrees from a reasonable 23. After an hour everyone was shaking in their seats, including her, since somebody already lowered the thermostat at her place to 19 degrees (wasn't me...i'm not the only one she manages to offend)

I was going to be an ass by lowering it to a ridiculous 13, since I was already wearing a parka, but her assistant staggered up from her seat--probably half frozen and thinking I was going to raise it up--and said that I should just turn the damn airconditiong off.

We people from the tropics have low tolerance for temperatures under 21 degrees, except for maybe the boss who seems to be part reptile.

Note to self: see her reaction to scenes from Jurassic Park. Is it a) nostalgic, b) sympathetic, c) pride at seeing her ancestors in their glory.

For some (you) people (you know who you are)...I understand that this expression of severe odium towards my former boss--thank God--may seem rather...well, severe. It is. So suck it up, it was meant to be that way

Plenty of people already feel like killing their boss, try to imagine what it's like when she strikes on the up close and very personal. Things get nasty. When you get pushed, several times, sometimes you just have no choice but to push back--hard.

You can't get through life stuck on Three PM Hour. If you keep shaking a soda bottle, don't be surprised when it bursts open in a fizz. Even the most complacent of people can react when provoked.

Here's a wonderful example: I went out with my cousin and her friends to the UP fair. They kept bringing up this annoying habbit that one of their friends had. He had this way of tapping peoples shoulders to get their attention. But taps can often lead to pokes, which is often hard to differentiate.

And when taps become pokes, people are compelled to just poke back--maybe somewhere on their eye.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Is that me?

I stumbled onto this cool website that randomly assigns images to words that you search.

I searched my name and it came up with a lighthouse and a rusty pole. All very nautical, which surprised me since I love the coast! Who would have thought that images assigned on a pc would actually suit your personality.

Monday, February 16, 2004

The Bold and...The Bold and...To Boldly go where no man has gone before...

Here is an expression of boredom: I am currently surfing for The Bold and The Beautiful fanfiction.

In case you people do not know what The Bold and The Beautiful is (no loss, I assure you), it is a soap.

I was introduced to the world of B and B when I was 13, along with Santa Barbara. Neither of them held my attention (Neighbours fan), but it was mildly interesting to someone who didn't have anything to do or watch during the summer of '93. Star TV eventually dropped Santa Barbara and retained The Bold and The Beautiful. All episodes were two years late.

I never really paid too much attention to soaps. When I was eight I saw an episode of Knots Landing where some girl fell off a cliff and was just mesmerized. Of course, the episode ended with her falling off a cliff, it had to be...it's a soap. I told my dad how anxious I was to see what happens next and he told me that i'd have to wait a year before she came back.

I'm an ADD kid, I can barely sit through anything. If people falling off cliffs were going to be the only attraction, then it was better for me to move on. Besides, Airwolfe was playing and that was infinitely more interesting than anything else (a killer chopper and Jan Micheal Vincent? No contest!)

I have vague memories of my parents watching Dallas. It wasn't until three episodes after the pilot that my dad noticed that it was a soap, but had to sit through a month more of it as my mother watched the Nolan Mills gowns. But after a few weeks even she had tired of the fact that this will take forever.

I thought it was cute but the whole idea of a soap never really stuck until I saw Sunset Beach in `97.

I watched it because I thought Randy Spelling's bumbling was charming. It was right after the evening news and before Jay Leno, so I thought it was worth seeing.

...Until I found out that Caitlin's mom had an affair with her boyfriend Cole and was carrying his child, which created a lot of complications because she was also carrying Cole's child which made her take off somewhere so she ended up having a car accident in the middle of heaven knows where and had to be taken care of by a bunch of nuns from a nearby convent...???

Uh-huh. Can you imagine drawing their family tree?

And I'd hate to be their family lawyer. The annual number of accidents should be enough to do you in, not to mention the number of decidents suddenly dropping in and the people who keep coming back from the dead! But then again, chances are the lawyer or his wife or his son or nephew or anyone from his family or household will be involved with one of them.

It's a good thing that Filipino soaps are somewhat like aussie soaps: you have two famillies, they hate each other, but the kids will eventually fall in love, which angers one or two family members (usually the aunts) because they had a fling when they were younger.

Occassionaly someone will go blind or be kidnapped, or just run away.

Linear and not always with the distraction of beautiful people.

The trend when I was younger was: you had an orphan girl. Either both or one of her parents were rich, but they got disowned because they weren't allowed to fall in love with each other, primarily because one was poor or they had previous arrangements.

Orphan girl lives with rich grandparents--or a grandparent, typically a grandma. She will hate orphan girl because daugter/son is favored child, and seeing her reminds her of the pain her parents has caused her. This will piss off the envious aunt who is still living with grandma. She will be a single mother and together they will hate orphan girl...until one of her parents come back to life and they all love her again and she is happy.

The location will vary: mountains, the city, the provice. But the story is generally the same.

Now it's: we have two famillies, some of the kids are in love (they don't even have to belong to said two famillies) and I can't go into details because I don't watch them.


In the meantime, I'm going to look for Amber and Rick B and B fanfic. Because for four months, my weekend afternoon channel surfing was seriously impeded by "Amber's secret" (which always had to be the topic when I passed by Star World) But now that we all know, I am just doing this because I fucking hate Kimberly, mainly because she always wears something in purple and in pink.

Sheesh. Not too bad for a kid who wasn't into soaps.

Btw, has there ever been a story that has the bitchy but somewhat good girl gets the good but nervous guy over the goody two shoes but she ends up liking her coz she's so nice?

I mean, it's convaluted enough, isn't it?

Sunday, February 15, 2004

"Been so low that down looks up to me"

Today was the first day I had to "defend" to someone my decision to write.

It was rather surprising because it came from someone whom I thought would fully support me.

We were in my room, watching Lara monopolize my PC with Friendster when I told her that my contract would be ending and I would not stay beyond March. She gavethe usual panicked reaction and asked me what I wanted to do next, and I told her that I wanted to write.

But instead of saying "Wow", I got the evil eye--double evil eye when she learned that I wanted to write for TV.

"But why would you want to do that? Why not write something that has a point?"

I was so taken aback that I almost smirked in front of her.

The words may have smarted, but I understood her skepticism. The local showbiz isn't exactly spectacular. Mass entertainment can be divided into noontime variety shows and primetime soaps who can never seem to hit the mark--either with the acting, the lack of sets or crappy scripts. It's rare that you get a good combination of all of them, but it's common to have all elements turn to shit.

But despite everything, i'm willing to try because funny as it may seem, it's the only thing I can see myself doing right now.

"Why don't you do something worthwhile like investigative journalism instead and give up this showbiz thing"


That's almost like telling a plastic surgeon that what he does is crap because he doesn't save lives like "real doctors".

The former may not be perceived to be as noble, but i'm pretty sure that they went to medschool and suffered all the same things as a resident.

In the same way that I may not be going around writing something for the news, but it doesn't mean that it's not really writing.

There's a lot of work that goes into writing, in whatever field it may be. And just because you write for a comic book or a tv show or the movies, it doesn't mean that you just sit in front of your PC and type up the images in your head and be happy to take peanuts every fifteen days.

No creative writer wants to be poor, but every creative writer wants to write. And in doing that, you have to start somewhere. Fortunately--or unfortunately--that somewhere happens to be episodic TV. It is a medium that give you stability and a decent pay... but also gives you a rather dumb reputation.

Even though I refrain from watching products of the local biz, even I have to admit there have been some incredibly good ones. And I refuse to believe that among the dozens of students of that film schools churn out every year, all of them turned out to be idiots. I'm not so high up my horse that I think i'll be some great revolutionary. There are some smart people writing for episodic TV, even if it is local episodic TV.

The state of journalism isn't so hot these days either...but then again, if you have USA Today as their model, you can see why.

What she said did hurt, which makes my family and friends support all the more valuable.

Writing is work.

I don't mind starting at the bottom just to write. I don't mind having to sit through a local opera just to see what the people want to see and see if you can inject the old with something new.

It sucks to know that 80% of the time you will get rejected, and what does get accepted will be altered so only about 30% of your original idea remains. It sucks to know that you won't get paid for close to six months. It sucks to know that when you do, you'll probably only be earning enough for gas and rent for the next year and a half.

But if you really want it, then the struggle won't seem as difficult. Everything is worth it, and all you can see is just a road complicated with a little bit of bad, that ultimately leads to something good.

Suds Up

Today is my grandmother's birthyday. To celebrate, we are having her and a bunch of my other relatives over to my house.

We are having a lovely garden lunch of seafood and vegetables, all wonderfully prepared by my mother from our very own kitchen.

This would have been a wonderful occassion had I not been left with the dishes.

Some people say it's because I can't cook (I can, it's just that my reportoire is limited) but even if I did my share of time at the stove, who do you think is going to wash all those pots and pans?

Entertaining would have been great if you didn't have to do dishes. I am more than willing to fork over the cash needed to make the temporary help stay just to soap things up, but my parents--being parents--decided to use this occassion to teach me more about independence.

Thus, washing even more dishes.

It's times like these that I wish I weren't an only child. That way, I'd have someone who rub soapy elbows with as I dig in to the mountain of dishes this party is bound to produce.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Candy Hearts: Coz I Heart You

It's that holiday again that anti-capitalists (cheapskates) love to attack.

Personally, I think Valentines day is a great holiday for both singles and couples.

It's a great day to get free flowers and chocolates, whether from someone you love, have loved, a friend, a stalker or just someone who pities you.

Valentines day is a holiday that gives people free reign to go nuts.

Traffic is bad, all restaurants are booked, hotel reservations go up the roof! (Nine months later the hospital is spitting out babies by the millions. And we all wonder why so many infants are born in December....)

And here's the miracle: everyone puts up with it.

All in all, a pretty satisfying holiday. The women are apeased and the men are just glad to get things over with.

But just like all holidays, I think Valentines day should have greetings that should suit everyones needs. Since KinkXcakes is already covering the confections and those black and white greeting cards are doing the pessimists their trick, i'm going to help out the one thing left: candy hearts.

You gotta love candy hearts. They made it to taste so bad, you are just forced to preserve the sugary two-bit memories.

But while we've all had our share of "love me", "cuddle", "forever!" and the perenial "LOVE" with the heart symbol, some people have been denied the oppurtunity to communicate their feelings in this traditional fashion.

And with some people, candy hearts may be the only thing smarmy enough to catch their attention.

So here's my added list of hearts quotes. Just give me a year, some capital, and i'll make you a product that'll fit your needs and tastes good!

1. Stalker
-Because there is one in every corner.

2. Single
-I believe this one word is enough?

3. Just Friends
-Chicken...though convenient.

4. Chokehold
-For you. If you do not get away. From me.

5. Tazer
-Give only in dire situations. Unless you really own one, in which case go ahead and stun him.

6. Dud
-Mean? Nope, just straightforward.

7. NO

One of my favorite quotes

Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money.
-- Moliere

Let There Be Light...???

Yesterday a crew from RPN News Nine dropped by our friendly neighborhood to interview our not-so-friendly neighbor who is running for president.

Unfortunately, the presidentiable family--since the presidentiable isn't there--weren't in high spirits, mainly because of an earlier visitor.

The people from Meralco (electric company) swung by during the afternoon to check on their meter--or lack of one, i've been told.

It turns out that our resident billionaire hasn't paid their electricity bill since...gee, a long time?

So the electricians took down the ladder, pulled out the kick-ass huge scissors, and then snipped their lines away--all the way to the end of the street.

Maybe I--and other members of our subdivision--are taking some perverse sense of satisfaction in this, but you wouldn't be so nice either if you had the same Sex Bomb Dancer/ stupid midi karaoke music blasting on high at odd hours.

Those utility people should never be underestimated though, since when you say you have money yet haven't paid a dime, they come after you big time. For some, when you get disonnected, all you get them turning off your meter or a small snip to your power main.

But these people, boy were they pissed. They not only cut the line, but they pulled out the line--all the way across two intersections.

One point: if you're ever running for high office that would entail a monstrous amount of publicity--like say, president, pay all your bills, ditch or sweep mistresses under the rug, hire tutors for your kids or admit their real IQs, and for crying out load, don't bloat your bank account.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Eddie Gil for President

My neighbor is running for president.

President. Of the country. This country. The Philippines.

It's hard to believe how a guy who can't even buy the house he's living in can mount a nationwide campaign. But he's obviously done it. I don't know how the COMELEC let him through this time (he ran for Senator last 2001) though apparantly claiming that you own billions is enough.

It makes you wonder just how hard COMELEC dug into his background, especially after the embarassing situation two days ago. Heck, I could have told you that he didn't have any money. In fact, anyone in our subdivison could have told you that he didn't have anything! They can't even pay the homeowners fee...which he doesn't really need to since he doesn't own the house he's living in, he's merely sqatting.

And I thought FPJ was a joke.

This years elections are proving to be more entertaining than the previous ones. The jokes are on full swing, i'm getting spams on various candidates on my mail box, getting stuck in traffic for motorcades...and now my neighbor is running for president.

Imagine that! A bloke who hasn't done squat--oops sorry, he's aready doing that--who hasn't done ANYTHING for our community, much less the country, wants to have the toughest job in office. If he can steal a house, imagine what he can do with an access to our natural resources and the treasury.

You've got some nerve Eddie, but if you really want to do the country some service, then I suggest you quit before you embarass yourself...further.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Song of the Day

I know it's old, but this so cracks me up!

This Guy's In Love With You Pare
by Parokya Ni Edgar

(this guy's in love with you pare...ano?)

one look and then yun iba na
malagkit dumikit ang tingin ng mata
one smile,iba na ang ibig sabihin
'di na friends,ang tingin nya sa akin
everyday parating we're together
every week,palaging may sleepover
ang tawag nya sa mommy ko ay tita
bakit ba,di ko non nakita

until out of the blue,im feeling so true
bigla nalang sinabi sa akin that

this guy's in love with you pare,
this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love wiyh you pare
bading na bading sayo..

di na ako makasagot ng telepono
palagi nyang kinakausap ang parents ko
kulang daw sa tulog at di na makakain
bakit ba? di pa non inamin

repeat bridge and chorus

everyday daw ay rainy day ang monday
'coz 'di na ko maaya to come out and play
tinataguan na nga,palaging late o absent
ang sabi parin
"i'll always have a friend that you can depend"

di kailangan na mag-oonn...
parang talong at bagoooong...

this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love with you pare
bading na bading
converted parin
na nakikipag-fling sayo..

repeat chorus with..

oh no! my bestfriend's gay
it's the same old friend i had yesterday
and he's happy.. and gay...
na na na nananana na nanan na (2x)

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Tragically 80's

I confess, I was a Neighbours nut.

In fact, i'm convinced that I'm still a Neighbours nut. If a network somewhere re-runs the Neighbors batch during the 80's, i'd still watch it.

During most of the morning, my playlist was dominated by oldies tunes: Glenn Miller, followed by my 60's rock playlist, which lead on to the Beachboys.

But the afternoon was strangely dominated by the 80's.

At around 2pm I pulled up my 80's stash and zoned out to Tears for Fears, Duran Duran, and Fra Lippo Lippi. I have an 80's Bubblegum list with some Cyndi Lauper, B52's and a hint of "Chorus Girl". Both lists begin and end with Da da da by Trio, which I shamelessly got hooked on after I watched Infested (I highly recommend this B-movie)

Gripped by a maudlin moment, I pulled myself from my work with the clearbook to check out Jason Donovan on IMDB.

For those of you who don't know, Jason Donovan played Scott Robinson for three years on Neighbours, an Australian soap opera. Yes, it's a soap, I watched a soap.

He was there from `86-`89, but I didn't get to watch it until around 1993. I was hooked for a year and a half, beginning when Charlene (Kyle Minogue) and Scott started dating, to when they got married.

A lot of great stars came out of that batch, the young kid from McClouds Daughter was there, not to mention Guy Pierce.

So here I was, listening to Beauty and Madness, cutting up clearbook labels while waiting for an early picture of Jason Donovan to load up (I've seen current ones and frankly, i'd rather maintain the illusion)

Lo and behold the pic loads up and I see: a kid who resembles The Mold, including the hideous 80's haircut that they all wore at that time (including Damian!)

Someday i'm going to find out the reason why I have a thing for guys who look like that.
(Or people from the 40's, like John Elkington's dad???)

Ah, Neighbours. Soaps. Pretty soon i'll have to watch all of them again just so I can learn how to write them.

Jason Donovan might prove to be the proper "soap" motivation, but I sure as heck wish that I will never see that haircut...ever...again.

"Somebody shoot him and get it over with"

For two days now, my normally quiet place got to see a little bit of excitement as Laarni and I worked on the second Coastal Resource Management Clearbook.

One would think that reproducing a 60 page clearbook full of IEC materials would be easy. It took us a day and a half of classification with the first one, around six hours with the second--edited--one, and just about the same for the third one--an expanded version.

But the day was great. We had an enjoyable lunch with Trina and by mid-noon, Sally went down to work in my place and the three of us had a blast just kidding around while working.

It was, I think, around three when we heard the faint tunes of "Spaghetti" being sung over and over.

It turned out to be the jingle for Jinggoy Estrada, who is running for Senator. Imagine the audacity of that man. Not only does his family get booted out of Malacanang Palace for screwing the people over, but he spent months on arrest at the Veterans Hospital.

Hello, big problem, you, why can't you notice???

As if that wasn't enough, a motorcade of senetoriables passed by.

Everyone was looking out: my former boss--and may I never see her again, ever--had her nose pressed to the glass on the windor next to her desk, and Laarni ran to the former big boss' room (which had bigger windows) to get a better look. Even I stopped in the middle of coaxing a stubborn photocopying machine just to look.

Eventually I gave in and ran to the former big boss' just to catch a glimpse of Rudy Fernandez whom I have never seen (he's cute but he's old)

The motorcade with Rudy passed by, which carried Alfredo Lim and the hopeful (or hopeless) himself, Jinggoy.

Sally and Laarni kept screaming Rudy, which he didn't hear. Instead, jinngoy Estrada gave us a wave as he passed by our window.

A TV camera was there and we kind of jumped back, scared as hell that we might end up on the evening news.

It's one thing to look like some groupie, but it's infinitely worse if you look like you're supporting someone who robbed the Filipino people blind just to feed his interests.

I think I screamed "What the hell is wrong with you!" at some point, but I don't think he heard me.

After a bunch of other people--including a windblown Jamby Madrigal and suprisingly Enrile, who looked rather forlorn standing at the back of a small pick-up--we trudged back to my cubicle, subdued and heading towards miserable at the sight of the senetoriables.

We had five minutes of distraught silence before Laarni suddenly spoke up:

"Wow, it's a good thing I'm not paying any taxes. That's the tax payers money that Jinggoy's wasting out there."

As an aside, me and everyone else in the office have a tax shelter because of a loophole in USAID and Laborlaw policies. It's a long and complicated thing that is a bit unfair, which is why we are going to start paying taxes this season--right after I leave.

In any case, what Laarni said deserved a high five. There is no way we would be paying for his campaign.

Sometimes it makes you wonder what the hell is wrong when people with pending criminal cases still win. Then you realize that you don't have to look very far to find the starving kids at the McDonalds not ten feet away from the motorcade.

Laarni and I agreed on one thing though: FPJ just can't win.

The last EDSA may have turned out to be a lot of fun, but we sure as heck do not want to do it again.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

The Human Factor

Articles like this drive me nuts.

As a child, I always thought that one day robots would be so advanced that they would cater to ALL of our needs. That people would be reduced into pleasure seeking sloths, sitting in a chair, as machines who read--and even anticipated--our thoughts did everything.

A scary thing, but later on i've come to realize that something like this might never happen.

We may or may not be the most complex being in the whole galaxy, but i'd like to believe that our thoughts and emotions give us that unique edge.

We can make robots better, faster, and even stronger than we are, but I don't think that we can ever make robots that will be as spiritual or emotionally adept as we are, otherwise that robot would be human.

The one thing that sustains us human beings is also our number one flaw: feeling. Too much of their decisions are governed by emotions.

But neither do I think that this is the only distintive factor in most of us.

We all seem to think that as soon as the robots feel, that makes it just like us. I'd like to think of myself as something more than a biological mass that is capable of giving raw emotions.

We think, we have logic, we feel. We rationalize and we interact. There are so many layers that I don't think strings of codes in a bit machine will ever come to cover.

It's always been our belief that robots are perfect, that the very reason why we create them is to reduce the possibility of human error.

But in making them into a superior being, we must also integrate into them that which makes us perfect, which is also deemed as a flaw: our feelings.

Compassion, hatred. Love, fondness. Jelousy, lust. Dissatisfaction, contenment. Religion, spirituality. To elevate a being--bionic or otherwise--we'd have to integrate all of those things.

As for humans integrating robotic parts to achieve immortality.

Maybe it's just me, but I happen to think of this as unnatural. It's one thing to have a pacemaker to extend your life, and another to alter your body in order to live forever.

Call it a Christian way of thinking, but death is a natural part of our evolution. As we continue to evolve, our race gets better and faster, our brains get to be more complex. Taking the next step involves leaving something behind.

Unless of course, the evolutionary process involved cybernetics, which I personally don't think it does.


Anyway, this is just one of the things that keep me awake some nights.

Your life seems so long and yet so short, but if you compare it next to the lives that came before you, and the ones coming, consider all their experiences, and out it into one long string of existence...then my life is suddenly so minute.


The workshop was great...if a little traumatizing.

There were around 35 participants, most of them college students, some of them high school kids and nearly ALL of them artists. There were three or four of us who went there as writers--with the fourth one leaving at the beginning for some reason I don't know.

Among the three of us left, I was the only one who couldn't draw...well, I can, just not like them.

I mean, I hadn't drawn a human figure in years! I did kind of expect that I would have to pick up a pencil, but as soon as I saw them handing out Canson drawing tablets at the registration table I just wanted to run.

Don't get me wrong, I don't entirely suck as an artist. It's just that I mostly do ink skethches...of landscapes and inanimate objects. When they asked us to draw a face at the workshop, I did--a manga one, in half sketch.

The intructors-Gilbert and Leonard-trained under Whilce Portacio, so their style is more of Western comics. Manga's weren't encouraged because that wasn't their style, so that was two strikes.

But...I ended up talking to Leonard most the time, who does a comic book called Taleweaver for DC comics.

He trained as an artist and just accididentaly did writing when he wrote a dialogue for one of the comics that Gilbert drew. Whilce liked his work, asked him what he wanted, came up with Taleweaver, the project went through some networks and then--boom. DC here he is.

Of course, a lot happened before he got from A to B, but he did concede that what he got extremely lucky. A lot of people get rejected when they start. About 80 percent of your script proposals will get junked, so it takes a lot of courage and determination to just to get there.

Much like any writer for any field.

I'll say this though, I have never seen so many left handed people in one place!

I think Leonard was surprised that there were some writers in the group, since there aren't a lot of people who want to write. Everyone wants to be a penciler, an inker, etc. but no one wants to write!

Comics here in the Philippines is on the decline. The other writer there--yes, he can draw, and yes, he is a comic buff--said that he attended some convention where the PAP or the SWS said that the Philippine comicbook market was down to 8%.

Imagine that, 8 frigging percent. When I was a kid, comics were everywhere! I still remember those times I had hanging out in my grandparents room, reading comics with them.

Now you barely see them anywhere. Gibert said that the only comic that sold was Horoscope since it was exported to OFWs, which is sad since Horoscope SUCKS.

One of the key reasons for the decline is mainly the pay. Since the 1930's, writers and artists salaries have only increased twice or thrice. of course, high end comics (the great glossy ones) pay more, but the regular newsprint ones shell out peanuts.

Basic rate for artists is around 75 bucks per page, and for a writer it's around 50 bucks per story--regardless of the quality. Which means you have volumes of shitty stories with sucky artwork circulating there because these people need to rush projects just to make more money.

Better known artists don't fare much better--200 per page for the artist, and maybe 150 for the whole story for the writer.

Though we understand that the writer just comes up with the basic plot and drums up the dialogue in--oh, ten minutes per page?--it is hard to have to come up with an original story. Most of them end up as rehashes of TV shows these writers sawthe night before.

A lot of Filipino artists work for international companies, though more and more are opting to stay here and freelance their work through the net. Why move there and spend in dollars when you can stay here, spend in peso, and get the same dollar rate?

It was kind of cool how they always said "I have a nondisclosure agreement preventing me from telling you how much I earn, but yes, it's better than what you would have gotten here--MUCH better." Or "Yeah I'm working on something, but I can't tell you just yet."

To just work for your craft...

On the walk back to Philcoa--which Leonard and Gilbert were kind enough to take with me, all 20 minutes of it--Gilbert told me that drawing is just practice, that I should take the time to draw and see what I can do.

I told him that a reasonable western figure--one that really does look nice--would take me four hours to draw, with blue pencils etched all over.

One thing--I did come away with one good advice: Don't be afraid to erase. Some artists (like moi) can be a bit lazy. If you make a mistake in a drawing and the rest is good, the tendency is not to erase it. "But I worked for hours! And the eyes look amazing!" Well, you just have to erase it. Because all you'll end up with is an unproportioned drawing with great eyes.

Anyway, I told Gilbert that it would take me four hours to do a single figure, and not enough energy (or drive) to do a whole panel. They both reassured me that they all kind of started the same way, that you get the speed through practice.

I'm still dubious, but I might give it a try. I'm still very much a writer though.

All in all, I had a great day. I probably won't shift to writing for comics, but I'm not discounting the idea of submitting a proposal to one of the local comics though. Not just because I like it, but in a way, to give back to something that you loved and gave you something a long, long time ago.

Saturday, February 07, 2004


I'm getting ready to go to UP for the workshop.

This morning was turbulent enough for a number of things, but the anxiety of going there tops everything.

I know it's just a workshop, but really...workshops are brutal.

I'm hoping that they won't make us draw. The ad did say "writing for comics", but most comic book writers tend to be the artists too. I'm not as good with drawing people as I am with landscape sketches. I haven't really drawn anything for close to two years too, so my hand isn't bound to be as good.

The girl at information told me that they were going to provide the materials, but I wonder if I should bring some other things, just in case.

Anyway, I surfed over to the futon critic to see the fate of Boston Public.

Unfortunately, it is still listed as "undetermined", which sucks since I really like that show. I admit that Nick Katt and Micheal Rapaport were two nice draws for me--and Jeri Ryan, mainly because she was Seven of Nine. But Nick Katt and Micheal Rapaport didn't return for this season, and Jeri Ryan seems to be the only person drawing some of the fans in. They even took out Kathy Baker, who not only played a great character but is an amazing actress!


Friday, February 06, 2004

Life...as usual

Today was a busy morning. After going through my morning work routine, Sally and I immediately started planning the coming ISWM clearbook, while I catalogued how to reproduce 4 more CRM clearbooks for Monday in my head.

The ISWM bluebook is nearing it's completion, so i'll have a chance to see something I worked on to it's conclusion. I'm still awaiting word on the brochure.

I skipped jogging today because I spent the night thinking of finding a new job, and the details for my new fanfiction (if you read my work—no, it will not be out soon)

I finally shut down at around two thirty-ish thinking about my current story, “Remember”.

The integration of my intense and main character made for a whopping chapter, so I’m finding it hard to top that. The chapter has, so far, gotten some good reviews, but to be honest I have no idea how to handle the story after I sprung out B’Elanna.

I have the outline worked out in my head, but working out some additional details while staying true to my developed arc can be a tricky thing. I’ve thought of having a beta reader to give me a little guidance. But I’m thinking that maybe I’ll just wait until I finish the whole thing and then have the draft go in beta just so it will be polished and ready for primetime.

It’s already 8 chapters, but the whole thing is just starting. Collectively, it’s at 20 or so pages, so it’s my longest work so far.

Anyway, I told my mom last night that I was going to lose my job by the end of March and then going back to take some writing lessons and write for TV and movies.

She…took it very well, much better than I anticipated. I think it’s because she’s watched me struggle finding what I want, then always seeing that I went back to writing. I have this sneaking suspicion that she knew way before I did that I should write, and that she’s just proud that I finally admitted it.

We spent most of last night watching The Truth About Cars and Dogs on Studio 23, before she went off to play Word Twister in my dads PC and Xarra called and we watched the movie together.

The Truth About Cats and Dogs is my all time romantic movie. It’s one of those romantic comedies that land just in the middle of the curve: it didn’t star Meg Ryan but it didn’t suck either. Janeane Garofalo is one of my fav actresses, and the wit in that show is light with a razor edge.

Seeing Ben Chaplin didn't hurt much either.

I told Xarra about my mom’s OK on the writing thing, which she was happy about.

I also gave her an update on my FFNET story, since she actually liked it despite her not really into reading fanfiction. (It is a triumph that I hooked her even if she's not a Star Trek fan)

If it seems like it’s obsessing a bit, it’s mostly because it’s hard to write.

I was using the fanfic as a test on how far I can go in writing stories with an arc.

The longest I have ever written is 10 pages, and it was a Mills and Boone-ish thing that I sold to some magazine when I was 18.

Not my best work and I have since changed, but I never moved beyond the four pagers after that.
Now here I am at 20 pages and I am still at my introduction! I thought “Good g, you wrote a really long, multi-character teaser!”

The nice thing about WIPs is that you are compelled to write for your readers.

I used to avoid WIPs (Works In Progress), but there is something about reading something that you know is ongoing in the writers head. Sometimes the writer will get an idea and will go back to change the story.

Most of the time the story gets improved, but sometimes the plot will alter so much that you get a completely new story! Now that is a gem.

I especially admire these adventure writers, because I have a hard time writing plot driven characters. Most of my stories are character driven, so I spend most of my time thinking in my characters shoes and not a lot of the action.

But I think I may get some help with that…

I got to work today, eager to check my reviews since I didn’t go online last night, when I saw Laarni’s boss at my cubicle.

He was using one of the phones in my place, and in between conversations, he said that he left me a note.

I thought it was a critic on the papers on Household Hazardous Waste that I read for him, so I was mildly panicked. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was an invite to a Comics Writing Workshop!

Laarni’s boss is a writer by trade. We get along pretty well…when he is not being one of my bosses.

It was really touching when he did that, since he knows how hard it is to just…write. To get a job as a writer. Most writing jobs out there is journalistic or technical, very few are for creative. To survive, you have to have more than talent but a lot of courage and determination.

When I told my mom my decision, she told me that it was ok if I didn’t get paid for a few months as I was trying out. That they’d support me if ever I needed some damage money.

I think that was my mom’s way of giving me her blessing.

I honestly hope that I won’t have to take my parents up on her their offer. I’m already living at home and contribute very little, since I’m still building on my finances. But I do not want to go back to them supporting me full time.

I’ve checked out my options and so far I am optimistic. I already have good credentials, and my experience here in DAI is pretty extensive.

I don’t know how the writing thing will be, but I’m looking forward to learning and challenging my abilities this coming months.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

"If I was just a stranger living in your street, would you have taken the chance to know me?"

Its times like this that I wish we all had thought bubbles over our heads.

But then again, if we all had thought bubbles then we’d all have to be honest. And if that happened, then the human race would be dead.

Civilization cannot exist without a little hypocrisy. Imagine what would happen if we all said the things inside our heads.

The topic for today’s post is “an explanation”, composed specifically for my cousin. Though if you’re not my cousin, you might as well read and learn: learn a little more about me, about the things we say to other people, how what we say—though we might not mean it—affects other people, and how everyone does not have the same mindset.

For reference, please read the post dated “January 19, 2004”.


I can understand why anyone would an explanation after someone has just said that to them.

My cousin isn’t the most patient person in the lot. I know this because I grew up with her. Maybe not in the same house, but close enough to make some observations.

And just so I’m clear—I happen to think that being rude to salespeople is impatient. It’s not inefficiency in their part when you get to be an ass to clerks for more than three times in two months. You just cannot wait.

Moving on…

It was our agreement that all blogs written were supposed to be day specific. They are a collection of my thoughts for the day, mostly rants on the office, things that I watch or read, stuff that I find interesting.

They are my thoughts, and though I’d love to translate everything in my brain in written form, you just can’t do that. Which is why before I gave her the keys to my blog, I set up certain provisos:

You do not tell my parents. Stuff that is in here, I will tell them on my own. Though I think they’ve heard enough stuff about Robert Duncan McNeill to last a lifetime.

Read now, ask questions later. I am busy. I am leaving my job at the end of March, so I have to rush some of my assignments. I’m sure I can answer you, just not right now. I cannot assign all my energy to this one question—or questions—when I have other stuff that I am currently thinking about.

You do not judge. Everybody has their own opinion of you. The person writing this blog may not be the person you commonly relate with, which should be the case if you’re my relative. As far as I know, my cousin Lianne is the only person who knows a little about the “me”.

All questions should be posted in my comments box. Or if you don’t want to be so public—since I’ve just found that other people do read my blog—you can send me e-mail and we’ll talk about it.

I let her read this blog because I wanted her to know me better, because often times I think she still sees me as this snot nosed brat of a 12 year old girl.

I thought that maybe now, as grown ups, we would be able to communicate better.

I mentioned once that my relationship with my cousin is like the Romanov Archives: it’s old, it’s hidden, it’s bitter and sensitive, and no one ever really likes to talk about it.

It was a great day when my cousin added me on Friendster, and it was a great day when she chatted with me on Yahoo Messenger.

It happened when I was going through a lot of difficult things in my life. When I had a permanent falling out with my best friend and I didn’t know which people to trust. When I thought this incident would cause me to lose my friends, but instead I regained forgotten ones and ended up strengthening my bonds with the ones that I currently had.

My mistake, I think, was thinking that the Kodak moment was going to last forever. It actually lasted what, 2 sessions?

I’m not that optimistic. I believed it when my mom told me that people do not change overnight, and as a student of human behavior you understand that certain things are just part of a person’s personality.

When the fuzziness was beginning to wear off, I cut my losses and just thought “well, we’re just too different.”

Which means, had we been neighbors, the most interaction that the two of us would be getting is exchanging baked goods for Christmas.

We’re not friends, which is alright since we’re already relatives and that’s so enough for me.

I was dumb enough not to edit that January 19 entry out of there, since I should have had enough foresight on how she would react. After all, our previous chat sessions have indicated that some things never change.

I suppose I shouldn’t even be surprised when she got upset when she read that, and tried to get me to tell her what I thought. Tell her an isolated incident and she’d shut up.

I never thought you could be badgered through Yahoo Messenger, but those damn pop-ups can be annoying. And when you have big bosses behind your back, it’s hard to hide the blinking box of Yahoo Messenger on your task bar.

Although I must say that the incident this morning is a classic example on why me and my cousin do not get along.

Before I go this…I asked my friend Sally for advice on how I should write up this post. I told her I was thinking of a polite way to go through my blog when she asked me “why?” since she obviously wasn’t nice about it in our chat session.

The one thing I can be is “blunt”. As I’ve written in my previous posts, I’ve stopped taking shit from anyone. It’s the legacy from my nervous breakdown. After 20, I told myself I would never let anyone walk all over me—which is why we didn’t speak to each other for two years.

This morning she kept goading me for “an example”, not stopping when I told her that I’d have to remember some, and that I would get back to her later.

Did she listen? Not really.

When I told her that I couldn’t talk because I was in close proximity to the bosses, she just told me not to mind them and speak up.

All I could think of was “This is so like her.”

Sometimes I think her motto is “Don’t mind them, mind me first”.

She assured me that once I gave an example she wouldn’t ask me for any explanations, and I was dumb enough to buy that. Especially when the example was “Don’t bother getting me any gifts, since you can’t afford my taste.”

Things just sort of went down from there.

She told me that it was a joke. Hard as it may seem, I do believe that. Her humor may leave a lot to be desired, but this is her brand of sarcasm. She just thinks she can say anything because we’re family members.

We have this running joke in the UST psychology department, which is “Jokes are half-meant.”

There is always a reason why we say the things we say, otherwise you wouldn’t have said them. It doesn’t matter what you thought when you said them, because it might not be perceived the right way.

And believe me, coming from a person who has a reputation for being misconstrued (thank kahless I am not an actor) this is one lesson that I have had to learn. The hard way. Several times.

I told her that she should be careful with saying things like that, and explained that I wasn’t in the most receptive of moods when she said that.

Jokes can be a tricky thing. Unless you are sensitive enough to gauge the other persons current temperament, it’s not a good idea to say jokes like that.

You can’t go for the rest of your life telling everyone that what you said was a joke. In the same way that you can’t expect people to always think of things in your way.

When you say things like “You’re maid is prettier than you are”, it’s going to be hard to write this off as a joke. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it’s just not polite.

Some things are just better off left unsaid. Had I said “You know what, she’s prettier than you are too.” I don’t think anyone would have bought it as a joke even though it was true. And by the way, just to be clear, I said that as an example.

Just to be fair though, I do admit it when she said that I take some things seriously.

I can be a pretty intense person, that’s how I am. I care about several issues, and I am very vocal about the things I am passionate about. I like to live within my experiences, get the most out of them be it good or bad.

When I was younger, maybe I placed too much importance on some of the things she said to me. It may have been difficult, but I could have walked away from a lot of the provocation that her jokes have caused me.

But now that I am much older and there are a lot of things going on in my life, I no longer have enough energy to put up with any of those, so most of the time I will let it slide.

I was not angry when I wrote that entry for January 19. I was irritated with myself and the day in general. I was a raw wire most of the morning and she was feeling particularly humorous when we had our morning chat.

It does somewhat surprise me that she still manages to get my goat, but after I wrote that I let go of most of the tension that I felt towards her.

Yet another example on how most people never perceive things the same way you do.

My cousin thought I was angry, that I was hurt, that I was blowing a lot of things in proportion.

It’s true that I felt insulted with some of the things she said to me, but considering the things I had to deal with that day—not to mention the things I have to worry about in my own life—what she said was the least of my concerns.

As per her usual reaction, she managed to let out some stray bullets, which I will answer to in this post.

I have no reason but to believe her when she says that she was, in no way belittling me. That she has never belittled anyone in all her life, that she has tons of friends of varying personalities, and they all love her and never once did they ever tell her that they felt like she was belittling them.

The problem is this: I am not one of her friends, and I can only be answerable to what I am feeling as a direct result of how she was towards me.

In a way, it was partly my fault if I felt like I was “belittled”. I was the one who allowed the kind of behavior, and had I tried I could have controlled how I was treated.

But since we are in the topic of being honest, I’d just like to say that it’s hard to be 14…and 15, and 16, and 17, and 18, and 19, and 20.

When you’re 14 and you just had an accident that gave you 2nd and 3rd degree burns in your arms, it can be hard to cope when your cousin compares you to a maid. It can be pretty hard to take “jokes” when all you want to do is crawl within yourself and just feel sorry, because the doctor has just told you that you will not make it to the swim team, and you will have to live with this scar for the rest of your life.

It can be pretty hard to be receptive to "jokes" at 15 and 16, when the combined stress of school, travel, extra-curricular activities and—sigh!—boys are weighing in your head.

It’s hard to be receptive to "jokes" at 17, when you are this mousy freshman in a new school, when in your high school you were this popular person.

It’s hard to take "jokes" at 18, when you are in school for 7 days a week, from 7am until 9pm, and the only thing in your mind is winning a debating competition. When the stress of wanting to be the best makes you sensitive to a lot of peoples criticisms.

If only some people had stopped to understand that.

It’s hard to take "jokes" at 19 and 20, with your untrained mind trying to think like a criminal because you want to be a profiler. My teachers had warned me that this was a dangerous thing to do, something which I do not regret doing but had to walk away from two years later because staying in the dark was beginning to destroy me.

It was especially hard to be understanding at 20, when everything came crashing down on me and I felt like no one could help me. When the only thing you want to do is sleep and never wake up, because it was easier to dream than just deal with everything that was rushing up at you.

And finally, it was most definitely hard for me to accept "jokes" after my nervous breakdown, when I was just beginning to crawl out of my hole.

My cousin asked me how I could think that of her when she wasn’t that person and that I didn’t know who she was.

I suppose I could ask her the same thing.

What I wrote was just the tip of the iceberg. Did she see me as that person? When she made those “jokes”, did she know I was in trouble? Did she even wonder? Did she even care enough to suspect?

She accused me of always having a front, but growing up around her jokes, how can I not be on my defenses?

There are a lot of things my cousin does not know about me, and there are a lot of things I don’t know about her.

It wasn’t until after my nervous breakdown that I found out that I didn’t care that I didn’t know enough about her, in the same way that she never cared enough to know about me. And that’s okay.

Earlier, I would never have bothered if I never heard from her again. But recent events such as the one with Christine (former sorta-best friend) and the birth of my niece Sophia changed that.

If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want her feeling any sort of animosity towards her aunt—certainly not on my behalf.

The past is the past, and even though some wounds still remain smarting, you learn to move on with your life.

If I tend to be too sensitive, then I guess I can be candid enough to tell her that she was, in some cases, insensitive to other people’s thoughts.

A joke is a joke is a joke is a joke until it finally hurts someone.

It’s hard working for your own money, it’s even harder when you don’t really like what your doing, which is why I found what she said insulting. Couple it with a bad day…then holy cow, let’s just take out a bat and get smashing.

My mother felt insulted for me, and my cousin was upset that my mom might be thinking she was a bad person.

For the record, my mother has her own opinion on how my cousin is. How she formed them is her business. I may have a slight influence, but I can honestly—HONESTLY—say that I am not the sole basis it.

I can be a bitch, and I know myself enough to know that. I can be pretty mean, and I know that too. I’ve insulted people and belittled people, sometimes intentionally and sometimes without meaning to—so I know what it’s like to hurt someone with a “joke”.

And I also have tons of friends, of varying personalities, who knows I can be a bitch, but understands that I can be a pretty good person too.

It’s sad that me and my cousin don’t know each other, and despite the years this is a lousy situation we are in.

And before I forget…

She mentioned something about me always saying thing but never really doing any of them. It’s off tangent (and a cheap shot, by the way) but since we’re being honest, I’ll address the issue anyway.

Yes, I can be a bit of a motor mouth. Yes, I do start things that I never finish. Yes, it’s not a good habit. Yes, I am trying to change that (I swear!)

But I’d just like to say that finding what you want for the rest of your life isn’t always an easy thing.

Some people are lucky enough to know their calling or careers at an early age. I envy that, because I had to go through so many things just trying to figure out where I was headed.

Growing up, I had to face certain expectations: from my family, my teachers, my friends. Some voices were louder than others, and for a long time it was hard to listen to anything else.

In the end, the only voice I gave importance to was the ones of God and me.

I could have been a lot of things, I was good at a lot of things. When I broke free from the idea of law school, I explored all of those.

I don’t regret ever trying.

All of my experiences has given me more fuel for my writing and made me a more rounded person.

It may look like a confusing life, but I can assure you that I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I would have been a basket case had I just gone the straight and narrow and went from an AB pre-law, law and maybe went off to become a lawyer.

In the same way that I don’t think I would have liked it if I spent my life always being taken care of people.

These are two distinct roads, and there is nothing wrong with either of them, it’s just that one of them is not for me.

I hope that when my cousin reads this, she’ll have a better insight as to who I am besides the kid she saw growing up.

Sometimes, when you’ve been with someone a long time, it’s hard to see them any other way. I’m guilty of that with her too, but it doesn’t mean I am not trying.

We are different people. If we were neighbors we might never have looked past each of our fences, never taken the chance.

So it’s probably good that we aren’t neighbors. Instead were cousins.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

But baby it's cold outside

For some reason, my former boss--and may she stay my former boss--always sets the airconditioner near my cubicle at 19C. She also--for some reason--has the vents pointing at my direction. Which means I have fuck ass cold wind blowing at my face for a good portion of my workday.

I try not to think about this as intentional, even as I know that she's well aware that I am susceptible to the cold.

But if this happens everyday, and she has to adjust the controls back to 19C every frigging time we normal hot blooded people try to raise it to a reasonable temperature...

Anyway, as a service, i've tried to adapt to the new environmental settings and have decided to help out Blubber by resetting it to 16C.

But since the airconditioner from my place is just so far from her--Kahless help us should she melt and multiply--I'll try and set the environmental control at 15C on the airconditioner at her place too.

Who cares that the rest of the 2nd floor is walking around in sweaters and wrapped in shawls--likesoon to be former big boss--who is from Maryland--walks around wrapped like a spring roll. Who cares, when she has about three inches of fat on her girth to protect her while we all struggle with our paltry share of adipose.

I'm going to turn this farking place into an IGLOO.

Dunce Bombs

They had a guest comic once on Letterman who's whole act was about the war with Afghanistan. He did a sketch on the smart bombs that I found really funny.

"This bomb will ask directions, go down several blocks and come after you!"

The amusement comes from a) the black dude was great on the delivery and b) those smart bombs are a couple of points down in their actual IQs.

After Desert Storm and Desert Fox--where the smart bombs where widely used--reports came in that not all the bombs found their target. A significant number hit hospitals, shelters, and residential complexes which they all drew on as collateral damage. As a result, an inquiry was launched as to the accuracy of the bombs which was never publisized. Besides the documentary on The Discovery Channel, efforts haven't been made to tell the story.

Why would they, right?

The dunce bombs made an appearance again on Desert Shield. The stories were swept under the rug as usual, although the BBC released a story on their incident with friendly fire.

A US soldier mistakenly identified a convoy of reporters and Kurdish soldiers escorts as enemy troops. He panicked and informed a squadron of jet fighters to fire without completely verifying their target.

It was the soldiers fault and not really the bombs, so it was more of human error. But I don't think you can explain semantics to the family of Kamaran Muhammed, age 25, who died in that encounter.

It's shit really, how they try to make it as if this war is over when in fact it's still going on.

The US has strong-armed Japan into sending some of their troups to Iraq to help secure the area. In Britain, the BBC has gone under fire for making false allegations and poor management. All to cover Britain's Ass, which right now is Blair's Ass, who in turn is kissing Bush's Ass.

Riots and bombing have been going on in Iraq for days, presented in what seems to be CNNs blandest reporting.

No colorful fonts, no slides, no popular reporters covering the font. No tearful soldiers telling us that they are missing home.

Just straight reporting from the Gulf with a few shots of burned out cars.

I've long been pissed with Bush and his patronizing ass, but I can't bring myself to be annoyed with Blair. I wonder how he can sleep at night, with this mess in his hands, and how his toddler child is faring.

I hope one day the US realizes that they can't bully everyone else.

I wonder what'll happen when one day, the UN suddenly says "Well, we're done with other country's and their supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction. What about you US? Will you submit to a weapon's inspection? Will you shut down NORAD? And if you intend to bury us with paperwork while feeding us your policing-the-world crap, don't even bother, because we're fucked at the blunder you did in Iraq."

X vs Several

The comments page on Jessy Delfinos blog has her ex and some knob of a guy arguing. It's become farked out weird, but rather amusing.

I can't help but see Jessy Delfino as a more sexed version of Sarah Silverman, which is really an unfair comparison since Sarah Silverman is a much better comedian--and she never makes any ovations to sex.

Anyway, I had day three of my morning walk today. I was late in getting up so I had to squeeze everything in 15 minutes. Not nearly enough, but I powerwalked most of it so I did get manage to sweat.

I'm building up my endurance since Laarni, Trina and I are joining the GMA Marathon. Two weeks is not enough training for even a measly 10k, but considering how out of shape we are, we're not even thinking to be ambitious enough to run the whole thing.

I'll be walking some of the miles, but the important thing is I finish.

Anyway, I'm doing some catching on financial investing, since the ad for the marketing officer that Laarni gave me has really caught my eye. It funny how some people dress up certain titles. "Marketing Information Officer" is just a less intimidating term for "stockbroker", a title that most people want to run away from.

I don't know why though. I love the stock market! One of the high points of my day before was playing the stock market game on the PSE website. I made 20% in my first month! Not bad considering my portfolio had no bonds, composed only of local stocks, and just 1 or two blue chips! I could have doubled my money had they let me stay in the game. Unfortunately, the school competition began and us out of school amateurs were locked out of our own portfilios.

Ah, if only that million bucks I put in was mine.

Realistically, I probably would have made 500k in profits before the market plateaud on me. People keep saying that "it's a bear market this year", but in the Philippines the bear comes out every damn year. The only stable security funds are in most private firms and probably universities, but I got too busy to explore any of my options.

I was planning on investing in Google if ever they did push through with going public this April, but alas, we have to save for other things now that my long projection has been cut.


I was checking out my journal for this January. I made several entried detailing that I was bored and wanted some "excitement".

Duh Kriszia, when will you finally learn?!

I have this freaky tendency to be self predicting. I wrote in one of my entries that I was only planning to stay in this job until the end of March, that all I ever wanted to do after that was write. "By the end of March, I need to be out in this office. This place is killing me."

I don't know whether to be pleased or bonk my head.

This isn't the first time that something I've written--vague entries that you tend to ignore when you trackback until the damn incident has happened--has come true. Instinctively, I know that i'm heading in the right direction, that everything I've been preparing for fo rthe last two years will come to fruitition now--I'm just scared that I won't be able to handle it.

Oh well, I have to go back to work. More later.